1/22 الوافدين الجدد يوشينو

Yoshino, age 25 T159 B82 W55 H80

She is a pheromone munching older sister! Eroticism is leaking out! Even though she is usually quite hard working, she is erotic here!

She is a pheromone munching older sister! Eroticism is leaking out! She is oozing! Her usual job seems to be a very hard, very hard job! But she is the complete opposite of that…she is a whore! I could feel the eroticism in her expression at the moment she lost her facial expression while we were talking! She usually wears glasses, but deep within them are bewitching eyes that seem to suck you in when you gaze into them, and her slender silhouette, which has both a dignified and soft expression and radiates an exotic and mysterious glow, makes her an \”erotic older sister\” herself! She is serious in nature, as she has a hard job! She is very honest and hardworking! Her earnest attitude is really heartwarming! Her hidden M nature suddenly blossomed! Her voice of strong pleasure is echoing! Anyway! The gap between the two is amazing! She\’s so erotic! We are sure you will have an intense time with her! Please contact us as soon as possible. !!

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